Sign Up for a Mascord ID

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Why sign up for a FREE Mascord ID?

With a user account, you'll have access to features that are not available to anonymous visitors.

You can access the majority of our content without signing up for a Mascord ID, but we encourage you to sign up to take advantage of the following features:

  • Add plans to a favorites list and access your favorites across devices
  • Start conversations with others who view the same plans as you do with our comments section
  • Gain access to exclusive offers and coupons, competitions, and more
  • A Mascord ID is also necessary to access any content intended for specific audiences, such as exclusive content for our Partner Program members and Realtors. When you join either of those programs, we will link your Mascord ID to your membership account

Your privacy is important to us! We do not spam our website visitors, and any special offers mentioned above will simply appear on our website if you are logged in. Check our website frequently to view them! We will not inundate you with emails.